Hello good people. Hoping you keeping yourself warm with a hot drink and warm clothes this chill morning. It has been long since i posted on the My date segment. So, today am doing that. I met this crazy guy two years ago at St Paul's UoN chapel. I laugh a lot so i fall in love with everybody who makes me laugh hard. He is a very funny, crazy and humble guy. I had to go on a date with 2mbili and this is how the date was:
 Describe yourself briefly
2mbili is a funny, humble, stupid and fun loving young man.

Your education background?
I went to Lions Academy for my primary school, St. Pauls High school, Ndenga where I passed and proceeded to the University of Nairobi for the best course.

What do you study at UoN?
I am studying a course leading me to the laboratory, not as a cleaner but as a specimen research expert.

Are you a comedian or MC?
I am a comedian and MC.

The difference between an MC and Comedian?
An MC is just an MC and a comedian is funny.

When did you realise you can make people laugh?
I realised am funny when I started making fun of myself, especially my Jay-z like lips.

When did you start to take comedy seriously?
I started serious comedy when I joined UoN in 2013 at Arboretum, tulikuwa tunalipwa 20 bob   tukifanya comedy kwa night club ( we would be paid Ksh 20 for a comedy performance at night clubs), it was not easy.

How do you deal with school and comedy?
Initially, I did comedy on weekends and school weekdays but now it is mixed. I can miss classes and go perform as am my family’s breadwinner.

What kind of a child were you while growing up?
I was extremely chicky but a friendly kid. Am still the same up to date, though I do not harm anyone, peacemaker. I love fun.

Who is your favourite comedian?
My favourite comedian is 2mbili, that guy makes me laugh hard. Erick Omondi remains my role model locally, not because he is funny but because he is hard working, he put Kenya in the stand-up comedy map. Internationally is Kevin Hart. The two guys inspire me a lot.

You are part of Churchill Show?
Yes, am part of Churchill show family. I thank God, I have worked with all the known comedians in Kenya. I have performed at Churchill show severally and soon expect my thunderous introduction on the show on television.

What is your take on the Kenyan comedy industry
Kenya’s comedy is well organised and advanced than any other in East and Central Africa. We have some of the funniest comics in Africa.

Does comedy in Kenya pay?
Comedy pays, since I do not ask anyone for money and I do not live free. It pays well if one remains focused and smart. I Mpesa my brothers, friends, parents pesa za comedy, wanazikula wakicheka (comedy money, they enjoy as they laugh).

Where do you perform?
I perform everywhere, Monday to Monday, day and night. To book me

Are there moments that you are very serious, no joking?
I rarely get serious. Even when am serious just know am joking.

Where do you get inspiration for your jokes?
My jokes come naturally on stage. I like roasting jokes, I can bring one guy on stage and make a full show out of him immediately.

How do you handle your fans, especially female?
At Team2mbili I do not consider gender, I just know you as my fan. Kuna madem wananiambiaga wamenikufia but najieka kwa viatu za Yesu nawafufua. Am graduate of love games.

On behalf of the girls out there, are you dating?
Am not in a relationship but am in love with bananas. Show me a banana and I will show you love.

What are your hobbies apart from joking?
I have many hobbies. Am gifted. I love to pray, social media networking, playing football, riding bicycles, watching comedy shows and laughing. I laugh a lot.

Tell us about The Campus Comedy Show.
The campus comedy show was my first biggest project dating back in 2013. I brought together upcoming comedians, gave them platforms alongside other established comedians. It is on every last Friday of the month. Without any sponsorship I managed to do over 25 editions, some played on local growing television stations. Currently, it is on break for a very crucial makeover, it will be back on May with a bang, well organised and more enjoyable.

Best and worst comedy experience
Best experience was hosting the biggest conception concert in Africa with dj Mo on the decks, size 8, Pitson, Faith Muturi and Samawati band. It was awesome.
Worst was, I was hosting a lesbian’s birthday party in Rongai in 2013 at club Tamasha. I did not know she was lesbian, was cracking jokes and the friends booed me. One came on stage and asked me for mic, I gave her thinking she had something to say, she switched it off, put it in her handbag and asked the dj to play music. I felt humiliated, have not been paid for that show to date but I thank God I have gained a lot through that.

Describe your fashion style.
My fashion style is simple. I dress to my hide my private parts not to look smart or appealing. Sometimes am a fashion killer.

Where do you shop for these crazy outfits?
I shop at Gikomba. It is cheap and unique. I hate to meet someone dressed up like me ‘mtu akituona wawili atadhani ni wetu’ so I try escape that. Gikomba clothes come perfumed unlike the new ones, where you find a trouser smelling like a shirt. When am fully dressed am always averagely worth Ksh 420.

Advice to upcoming comedians
My advice to wannabe comedians is that, comedy is a job, be your own boss, manage yourself before you are managed. Do not wait to be called for events, look and organise them yourself.

Thank you 2mbili for the awesome date.

Thank you for stopping by today. xoxo Have a blessed April.



  1. I laughed reading his responses. Tumbili is a great comedian

  2. The answers that 2tumbili gave??? They made this interview awesome. Very funny.

  3. Hahaa 2mbili cracks me up anytime. Keep up the good work you two
