Happy Birthday 22/22

Hello good to people.
Happy 22nd birthday to me. 22/22.
If you follow me on Instagram, twitter and Facebook-@cerakieha or if you have my phone number then you know I am a #AUGUSTBABY.
At 22 years of age, it has been 21 years of love, life and I thank God for that.
I recall when I was in high school I looked forward to turning 18 for that coveted national identification card. Upon joining campus, I longed to hit the 21-year mark. I have always been among the youngest in my circle of friends.

Today at 22 years of age, I am feeling like I have achieved a lot that I never thought I could and at the same time failed to do several things I had planned to do.
I am in my 3rd year at the University of Nairobi and a CPA section 5 student at Strathmore University. At 22, I have started a business and ran it successfully for two years. I made business mistakes and learnt from them. But most importantly I have learnt it is better to start something and fail than fail to start.

I started this blog by coincidence eight months ago. My main aim was a Vlog-YouTube channel, but because I did not have a camera and could not afford a regular videographer, I settled for a blog page. With the help of loyal readers, we have seen the blog grow tremendously and more improvements are on the way. Expect to see and hear better and bigger things coming soon on the blog.

At the beginning of this year, I came up with an idea of a book event. After consultation with my friends I settled for a ‘Book Club’. This gave birth to RENS Book Club, which has been an awesome family where we read, exchange books, network and share reading experiences. The book club has also helped me improve my reading and writing skills. (I am currently reading, Malcolm X Speaks by George Breitman). We are in the process of registering the book club as a foundation with the aim of promoting reading culture in the society, mentorship and charity activities.

 Early last year I had resolved to learn new things. On that, I chose YOGA and Swimming. On the latter I am working on improving my skills, while for the former, let’s just say I have come to love it. Better yet, Coffee has never been one of my interests. I used to hate coffee especially the smell. Then I met a coffee lover come coffee enthusiast who by the way begun blogging on coffee earlier this year. I had to go on a date with him. My Date With Kev.Kelvin was the beginning of my love for coffee. I have moved from a coffee hater to a coffee convert to finally becoming a coffee lover.
Through this blog I have met many people who have improved my life in one way or the other. Those of you whom we have met know that I am outspoken, strongly opinionated and carefree. I am learning on the fine art of listening first before I argue, and it is work in progress. To clown it, I have learnt that I do not need to always respond to everything or win every argument. I have also become more vocal on societal issues like gender, tribalism, leadership, education and more. It’s a journey of slowly bettering myself.

As much as I have done several good things, I feel that there is a lot I have not done that I should have done by now. I didn’t know I had a problem with time keeping until I appeared for My Date With Austin And Sam-Genteel more than 2 hours late. Worse yet, two weeks ago, I arrived at another high stakes meeting late! Rarely do I apply make-up nor take a lot of time dressing-up, hence this cannot be the reason for my poor timing. Traffic Jam cannot also be an excuse. Genuinely, I am now putting in more effort into time management.

Lastly, according to my friends; those who are already married and blessed with kids.  They tease me often that I have failed to swallow my pride and settle down. Mmmmh …  I feel like one should not do something just because everyone else is doing it. I have no plans to marry or have babies anytime soon. There is time for everything, this is my time to study and explore my passions. At the same time, I feel like early 20s is still too young for marriage and parenthood.  At early 20s we still need our parents in almost everything.  Paulo Coelho says; do not be afraid to be different.

This year’s birthday, I decided not to travel or party but instead spend time with family and friends.
 I wish to thank my family for their love, support and guidance. My new and old friends for being my besties and to my fans and readers for your loyalty and encouragement. My gratitude also goes out to everyone wishing me a happy birthday and sending gifts.