Hello good people. It is my hope that your week started on a light note.
To starts us off is Michele Siro as she shares her beauty secrets.

1.    Beauty is.....
 Beauty is being confident in your own skin and well-groomed to accentuate that confidence.

2.  What is your daily beauty routine?
  My daily beauty routine is almost the same for both morning and night. I wash my face with African black soap, use grape seed oil as my moisturiser and forever living sunscreen in the morning.
At night I wash with the same soap, use grape seed oil as well but also I apply sweet almond oil under my eye area and area around my mouth; it lightens and evens out those areas plus is great for growing your eyelashes. Also, I use organic neem oil on areas I have breakouts.

3. What are your secrets to a flawless skin?
I do not have flawless skin, so hehe this may not apply to me, though my skin is improving slowly. I prefer to use natural products to attain my goal for flawless skin, thus the natural oils and soaps. They are all organic and do not react to my skin which is great since I have very sensitive skin.
 I like to do DIY face masks with organic honey, bentonite clay and activated charcoal to deeply exfoliate and cleanse my pores and for a glow, I use organic honey and oatmeal. I am yet to get an amazing toner because many react with my skin, though, I like to use aloe vera, green tea and cucumber mix as a toner.

4. Top five  beauty products every woman should have.
•    Lip balm
•    Great face moisturiser, preferably with an SPF
•    Brown eye pencil
•    Mascara
•    Concealer

5. Current beauty trends you are dying for. 
 I really love the bold red lip look with minimal makeup on the face.
This year I am really feeling the more natural look. Using minimal makeup but still looking polished and beautiful.
Plus I love bold lip colours so it pairs beautifully with a minimal look of like a simple wing liner and fresh looking skin type of makeup.

6. Have you ever had beauty struggles?
 I have had very many beauty struggles. No one is born knowing and I have been learning makeup since I was ten years old. I have done many makeup don’t’s, done bad makeup looks but that is part of the journey. My hardest struggle was knowing my skin tone and learning how to pick correct shades of concealers and foundations.

7. What are the biggest mistakes women and men make when it comes to beauty?The biggest mistake we make especially women is watching tutorials on IG or YouTube and do the exact same thing without putting into consideration if that look can work for you or that the makeup was meant to be dramatic and not an everyday look. I HATE Instagram brows, Lord they are so annoying especially when women do them and it comes out thick. We forget there is a technique to makeup and it starts with understanding your level of skill, if you are heavy handed you cannot use a dark coloured brow gel to fill in your eyebrows, you will look clownish.

8. What do you love or hate most about make-up? 
 I love that makeup is versatile and that it enhances your beauty, though I do not like makeup when it is not well applied and when it is used as the only means for one to feel beautiful.

9. Beauty pampering you enjoy the most.
I enjoy  facials. Your skin feels amazing and looks good which in turn makes the makeup look completely flawless.

10. Beauty tips to women and men.
My tip to both men and women would be to have a skincare routine that works and stick to it, plus sunscreen should be included to slow down those wrinkles and skin damage. Exfoliation is important as well as using a skin toner it keeps your skin looking fresh and feeling soft and smooth.
•    Drink water, honestly, you also have to work from the inside out and drinking enough water daily helps, plus green tea is really great for the skin. Sweating out the water you drank also helps open your pores and detoxifies the skin, so work out and your skin will improve.
•    Avoid doing Instagram makeup, it is beautiful and dramatic but only for photos in real life, it looks very cakey and plastic, makeup is about enhancing the beauty you have, not concealing it and making a whole new face (read heavy contouring and highlighting). Perfect your skin makeup routine; know your skin tone and skin undertone, get foundations and concealers that match perfectly and practice, practice, practice. A flawless foundation routine beats any beautiful eye look or lippie. Once you have mastered making your skin look flawless with foundation and concealer you are 80% done with your makeup look.
•    Remember it is never that serious, makeup is not for everyone so do not get stressed over learning it, if you feel it is not for you that is fine. But, always groom your eyebrows, they frame your face and bring out its natural beauty.

Michelle Siro is the creator of Simply Siro blog is where she shares her love for fashion and lifestyle. She is a very energetic and bubbly person who loves knowledge and is always in search for more everyday. The blog brings in fashion with fun facts as a twist, since she likes learning new things she  figured her readers would love that too. She is  passionate about blogging as she loves to write as well and feels happy when people enjoy and appreciate the effort she puts into her work.

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