Hello good people.
On our Fashion Feature today we have, Sharron Mungazi from Harare, Zimbabwe.
 Sharron is a fashion blogger, YouTuber and entrepreneur.

Describe your style.
I would describe my style as simple with a bit of edge.
I tend to go for pieces that are timeless, classy and comfortable. However, this has been my style for the longest time and lately I have been thinking of twisting my style by adding more edgy pieces into my closet.
 Will see how that will go.

Where do you shop and what is your dream shopping destination?
I like to shop for clothes anywhere I feel like at a given time. Thrift markets, high end boutiques or even regular shopping outlets.
 My closet has a mixture of different pieces from all these different places. Mostly because timeless pieces are everywhere, it’s all about being open minded.

As for my dream shopping destination, I would have to say New York. I believe that every fashion brand that is International has an outlet there, not to mention the variety that comes with American fashion stores such as Zara, H & M, American Apparel e.t.c.

My fashion essentials are... 
Good makeup, good hair and good accessories.
It doesn’t matter the occasion or how good the outfit is, without good hair and good makeup, I believe it all won’t make sense.
My fashion icons are…
I don’t know about the word ‘icon’ but I do have quite a number of online influencers who inspire me.

I look up to bloggers for inspiration so Shirley B. Eniang for her simple and elegance style, Patricia Bright for her edginess and Sharon Mundia for her doable and simple style.

What is your morning beauty n fashion routine?
My mornings are usually chaotic as I am a new mom so I try to do so much in a short space of time.

Beauty wise, I start by exfoliating my facial skin and wearing my lemon mask. This generally gives my skin a natural glow and makes it easy to apply any makeup. After that I apply my moisturizer and that’s it! No makeup. Unless I have somewhere important to be.

As for my morning fashion routine, again, it all depends on whether I have somewhere important to be or not.
If am spending the day lounging at home, I will just pick a pair of leggings or jeans that are comfortable and add a cosy sweater or t-shirt.
If I have somewhere important to be, I usually put together my outfit a night before.

 My fashion guilty pleasure is...
Bags and shoes no doubt.
I used to feel bad about this until I convinced myself you only live once haha!

What trends are you currently following?
Off-shoulder trend, wide legged pants & jumpsuits.
I love the off-shoulder trend because it always adds that cute appeal to any look.
The wide legged pants are fun and quite fashionable. There are not for everybody but I think there are perfect for my body type.
 The jumpsuits are just easy to style for me because I only get to crack my heard about which shoes to pair the jumpsuit with.

How do you complement your outfits?
Like I mentioned earlier, there is nothing good hair and makeup won’t fix.
I believe those two aspects are very important. Say a good lip colour for instance: it will switch things up.

 My favourite  era is
The 80s and 90s.
I think fashion trends in those eras challenged both man and women to think out of the box.
I mean the afros, the wide legged pants man used to rock and the fun prints.

Fashion tips to men and women?
Comfort is King, Timeless is easy on the pockets and staying authentic won’t give you headaches.
 In a world full of ever evolving trends, it’s easy to get carried away. Don’t dilute your personal style to fit the trends but instead master how to in cooperate the trends you love into your everyday style.
Check out Sharron @deffinatelyShaz

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