Hello good people,
With the rise of lifestyle diseases among young people, we have been forced to check on our eating habits and fitness. For that reason, more and more people are engaging in physical activities like: gyming, running and jogging, yoga and home workouts. 
I asked 4 of my friends how they stay physically fit and this is what they had to say:

Wycliff Mageto
My stage name is Cliff Mageto alias "The runway king, 23 years old and 5'10 tall. I am a model(runway, beauty pageant and commercial modelling) and a runway coach.
My workout routine is usually 5 days. Depending on the season I could workout on the weekend if I have a big show.
Shoulder: Military press( 10,12,15,20), Shrugs(4 sets to failure), Over head Dumbbell press(10,12,15,20), Peck decks( 10,12,15,20), Machine press with different variations( 3 sets to failure)
Chest/ Biceps: flat Bench press,  incline bench press, decline bench press, dumbbell press, dumbbell curls, barbell curls, forearm
(All 4 sets with variations of 10 to 20 reps)
Legs: squats(wide, medium, closed legs), lunges, leg extension, machine press, abs, crunches 4*50, planks 60sec, sit-ups 4*50, flatter kicks 4*50, barbell twists to failure.
Back/triceps: lat pulldowns, pull ups, dumbbell rows, deadlifts, overhead dumbbell press, bench press (close grip), dips, triceps extension
(All 4 sets: 10,12,15,20)

Sometimes I could use a roller for abs workout, but while using this one should be careful to avoid hurting the back.
In the morning I usually do morning run, up hill for 30 mins at least 3 times a week

I rarely diet because my weight doesn't change significantly, its usually constant, but I try as much as possible to avoid junk foods and sugary foods and drinks.
My diet includes: a lot of veggies, protein(red meat for lean muscle and chicken), I eat just enough carbohydrate and drink lots of water.

My weakness:
I find abs exercises so hard, I have always struggled with it but I find it more interesting when working with a gym partner equally hungry as me, who is able to challenge me to work them more.

Anyone can be anything they want to be as far as fitness goals are concerned, but they have to put in work it doesn't come easy. Its either go hard or go home, no shortcuts. Lastly, watch what you eat, you can do so much in the gym but never achieve your body goals, it all starts in the kitchen..gym is just an icing on the Cake.😊

Jane Wanjira. 

I am Jane, 28 years old, marketer with a few side  hustles.
Keeping my waist snitched and ass tight is part of my core business.

This involves home workouts which are acquired from Youtube specifically Vicky Justice.
I work out in the morning at least 4 times in a week, where I alternate between upper body(arms and abdomen) and lower body(glutes and legs).
Prior to the above, I wake up to two glasses of water and fruits then cereals. Post the work out involves a heavy breakfast which may be left over food or eggs or nduma/ngwaci and tea.
I also swim which is good for toning the whole body generally.

Amazing body.....☺
I find that am light on my feet especially with my job which involves a lot of walking, I am able to keep up.
Gives a very positive and energetic feel for the day
Increased stamina (which is good in other aspects😉)

Jackline Wanjohi

I am Jacky, an adult 😂, currently a pharmaceutical representative, sporadic health blogger with a soft spot for photography.
I go to the gym four days in a week.
Not very consistent at times but since its a lifestyle I don't beat myself up about missing.
My routine looks something like that.
(I workout with weights a lot since I'm training to tone and gain muscle.)
However, there are days I just use my body weight.

Monday - cardiovascular, legs and abs
Tuesday- shoulder /abs/ triceps isolate
        Thursday-cardiovascular and back exercise
Friday-chest ,biceps / triceps isolate


I weirdly have horrible eating habits if I'm not working out.
And i mean missing meals every so often.
Working out has helped me build a water drinking culture.
It really sets my mood for the day when I workout so no erratic moods.
Plus I mean, you get to look like a snack when the sun makes an appearance.

Meal plan.
An orange or a banana for my pre workout.
Followed by 1-2litres of water during the working out session.
After workout I basically eat anything and everything that's not junk, from porridge to left over food and an egg .The rest of the day is business as usual.

Murithi Faith Gatwiri

I am Faith, 24 yr old young, a data evaluation and validation clerk for a subsidiary NGO for USAID and a part time writer/blogger @ and librocubicularist.
To stay physically fit, I perform a myriad of activities, not entirely with the sole aim of keeping fit but ultimately ensuring that I do. I swim a lot which helps in toning my body. I do yoga which helps tighten my core and I cycle/walk to improve on my muscle and bone density. 
It’s difficult to stick to a certain routine so to make sure that I don’t digress, I pedal to work and swim/yoga on the weekends. 
 I try to stick to a healthy diet with lots of fruits and water.

Kisses and hugs to these four guys for sharing their workout routines and diet plans. 
Thanks for passing by. How do you stay physically fit?