Artistic Minds with Alternative Comedian Jacob Juma

Jacob Juma is an alternative comedian, writer, and graphic designer from Nairobi, Kenya. His comedy is meant for people who are looking for alternative fun away from the tribal, Swahili, and family jokes. He gets to be free, funny, and sarcastic about the government, life, and sex, which is something that lacks in mainstream comedy. Juma's first attempt at stand up comedy was a complete failure, but that didn't break him. His writing started as a way to improve his performances by researching and writing his jokes. Being a natural creative that he is, he is a self-taught graphic designer and runs a successful graphic design and production business with clients across East Africa. ABOUT THE SERIES Artistic Minds is where creatives share their personal and career stories. ABOUT WACERA KIEHA Wacera Kieha is a content creation brand based in Nairobi, Kenya. We create content that is entertaining, informative, and inspirational. Guest - Jacob Juma Producer - Wacera Kieha Videographer - Wacera Kieha Video Editor - Wacera Kieha Social Media - @WaceraKieha Website -