Education During A Pandemic with Murigi Apollo

Photo c/o @murigi_apollo
Covid-19 led to closure of schools and the side effects of kids being out of school are very evident. The most affected are kids who come from poor backgrounds and depend on school for lunch, learning materials, a peaceful home away from home and sanitary products. Parents are also struggling to put food on the table and to ensure their kids are still learning at home. We have also heard/seen the traumatising cases of girls who are being sexually abused for food and sanitary products.
On this episode we share activities and programs that are keeping kids engaged at home and highlight some of the challenges kids and parents are going through. 


About the podcast - We all love to drink, be it alcoholic drinks, coffee or tea. We also have great conversations and a lot of fun over a drink, and that is the idea behind the podcast. The goal of Over A Drink Podcast is for us to have great conversations and a lot of fun over a drink. About Wacera Kieha - Wacera Kieha is a content creation and lifestyle brand based in Nairobi, Kenya. We create content that is entertaining, informative and inspirational.   Guest - Murigi Apollo Location - Miss Koch Kenya   Producer - Wacera Kieha Editor - Wacera Kieha   Social media: Wacera Kieha Website - Youtube - Twitter - Instagram - Facebook -