Book Lovers with Mercy Kariuki

Mercy Kariuki is an Information Officer, Mountaineer and Book Lover from Nairobi, Kenya.

Photo c/o @linesphotographyke
What is reading to you?
Reading to me is a vacation for the mind where I escape the hustle and bustle of life into a calm world where I can control what I see and feel. I read not only to stimulate my mind but to get more knowledge and travel to different places and timelines. Think of it as teleporting but with your mind only.

Tell us about your reading journey
I started reading in high school mostly set books. I used to love literature/ fasihi and my mom's novels, she was a huge fan of Danielle Steel. I was good at literature and that inspired me to study journalism later in university. Unlike high school where I used to read for fun and outshine everyone else, I now read to gain more knowledge and that is why I enjoy psychology, plants and food (the science of the body).

What are you currently reading?
I am currently reading Blink by Malcolm Gladwell. In Blink Malcolm revolutionizes the way we understand the world within. The power of thinking without thinking. 
He also mentions that sometimes having too much information can interfere with the accuracy of a judgment. He expounds on how thin-slicing allows us to make decisions quickly. He uses sales, science, marriage among others to supports his ideas.
What is your favourite genre?
I love reading books about psychology, autobiographies, Shakespearean comedy/tragedy and sometimes romance. I also love erotic romance. My mum had a good collection I'd steal and read while hiding. That's how I learnt about my body. 

Favourite book (s) and why?
I have two favourite books.
a.) The tipping point by Malcolm Gladwell, which changed the way I look at things. The little things in life can actually make a big difference.

b.) The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare. A book that was part of my high school set books. This was a play that I loved to perform so much I still recite and dramatize some verses when alone.

What are your reading habits?
I prefer paperbacks to ebooks. I love collecting and having a small home library. 
Paperbacks smell good and you can carry them everywhere with you even off the grid. 
I read when waiting on someone, camping or before bed. 
Since adulting is already hard by itself, I try to read at least 50-100 pages a day even on my busiest days.
I thrift or buy books from bookshops depending on what I am looking for. My first copy of Malcolm Gladwell was a date gift from a man who ended up being a very good friend and I loved Malcolm Gladwell so much I had to purchase a book by him.
I don't do reading groups because I read when I have the time to and I just like enjoying a book by myself.

What reading tips would you give other book lovers?
If you want to enjoy books choose genres that you love.  Don't follow trends, you will end up pilling books that you don't like.

Book Lovers is where lovers of books share their reading stories, current reads and favourites, reading habits and tips, and everything books.
Wacera Kieha is a multimedia and lifestyle brand based in Nairobi, Kenya. We create content that is entertaining, informative, and inspirational.