Hello good people. I missed you guys, have not posted since Valentine's day.What do you consider when picking outfits for a date? It is well known that ladies spend hours dressing up especially for a date. It is very difficult to pick one appropriate outfit. Here are several ideas to consider when picking out an outfit for a date, be it social or official.

Comfort is the key thing. Being uncomfortable can spoil the whole date as good as you may look.Pick an outfit that you are very comfortable in. One that you can walk, sit and talk in it with a lot of confidence and joy. Shoes, opt for comfortable flats than 6-inches heels that make your feet twist with every step you make.
Looking good is neccessary. Before you look good you must feel good. Beauty comes from within. Pick an outfit that brings out the best in you. Dress to impress but do it for yourself.
This goes out to all the beautiful ladies out there. We all have good bodies and we want to show off our abs, but sometimes it is good to cover up a bit. If it is a first date DO NOT, show off too much skin as it sends out a wrong message and it is not good.
This freeze and shine style of City ladies is not always okay. If it is a cold season or it is a late night date, as much as you want to look good try and wear something warm. You can still look classy and be warm at the same time.(I will personally practice this as i have a phobia for sweaters). For a sunny and hot day try bright colours.
One mistake we make is dressing nicely but for the wrong event. If it is an official event kindly do not wear jeans and t-shirts. For a social or casual date avoid suits, it is not an interview. Dress the way you want to be addressed. If it an outdoor outing like a picnic or sports event dress according to the event. Personalize the look to be unique .
Am not a makeup person, so i have less knowledge about it. Ladies love make up and I tend to think beauty products love ladies. For a date do not over do it. Keep it simple and true. Make up enhances beauty, meaning you are beautiful already. Someone told me that, ladies apply colored lipsticks like red and pink on a date to keep the brothers away from their lips. (That is new, did not know that).
Accessorize with style. Less is more. Carry or wear enough accessories. Accessories are meant to complement the outfit. One piece can spoil the whole outfit. Select wisely.
Am hoping this post will help you pick out appropriate outfits for a date. If you have more tips feel free to share them at the comment box. Thank you for reading.TODAY'S OUTFIT.
I wore a tailor-made 'shuka' jumpsuit.
Jumpsuits are classy and can be troublesome when it comes to wearing or removing them. Pick one that fits you correctly. Try and have your tailor make two zips(side and back) to ease wearing them and comfort.
Try out different fabrics and colours. Depending on the fabric and patterns, it can be worn casually and officially.
I wish to thank SAN VALENCIA, MUSEUM for allowing us to shoot at their premises and my team; Sharon, Antony and Bella, God bless.
Cera if ladies would just take your advice,then they'd score the right kind of guys during dates.How you dress for a first date says alot about you.Nice piece