Hello good people. I hope you are still in the love mood and celebrating as well.

We have a new segment; hair & beauty and more style and designers features on fashion. If you would love to be featured on any of these contact;

To start us of on style feature  is Hannington. He is a final student at university of Nairobi and a runaway and fitness model. He describes himself as an outgoing friendly person who enjoys working out, dancing and meeting new people.
He was a runners-up for the Mr & Miss University of Nairobi 2016/2017.

1. Describe your style..
Simple,  smart casual.

2. Where do you shop? 
Shoes, watch and shirts,  no specific place,  I am a collector,  gikosh, Adams, you name it.

3. My fashion essentials are.... 
My outfit is never complete without a watch.

4. Who are your fashion icons? 
Idris Alba.
He exudes confidence and class.

5. How long does it take you to dress up and the routine?
Less than a minute, I decide on what to wear beforehand depending on the next day's occasion.

6. My fashion guilty pleasure is.... 
 You can tell a lot about a man from the shoes he wears, uliza Kiatu right?

7. What trends are you currently following?
I don't follow a specific trend,  I go with the style that works for me best.

8. Which item of dressing do you love the most?  (why?)
Definitely my shoes.

9. My favourite fashion era is.... (why)? 
I don't have a specific favourite era, I love different styles from various eras. As I said I am a collector,  and I simply do what's right and good for me.

10. Fashion tips to men and women?
Don't just follow what's trending because it's the in thing,  study your body and know what style works for you. If you not comfortable and confident about it,  then it ain't right for you.