Hello good people.
I hope you have been well. It has been two months since I posted and I really missed this space.

In those two months, I turned 23 and started an online boutique. Two things kept me away; one, having no idea what to write about and second, hustle of setting up the online store.

I have come to learn and accept that it is okay not to be okay. It is part of life not to have any idea of what you want at a particular time.
When you are in such a situation, take a break and go back to the drawing board and with time things will work out.

CERA ACCESSORIES was started back in May 2014. I was fresh in campus and I disliked the college bags fellow students carried. So, I decided to source for classy and affordable bags for them at Gikomba.

In 2015, I begun importing accessories from the UK. All businesses have challenges and mine wasn’t spared. In 2016, competition from Chinese products became stiff, cost of importation increased and I could not deal with both school and business, so I made a decision to close down in May 2016.

Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.

Next month is the blog’s 2nd anniversary, and I have had people ask me where I shop and how they can get quality, affordable and unique fashion and beauty items locally.

I decided to source (and still sourcing) for local designers and manufacturers and have their products on one platform, where people can shop. And that is how CERA ACCESSORIES was reborn on 1st September 2017.

I was very reluctant to go back to entrepreneurship because of my past experience not forgetting the election atmosphere we have been in and still are, which has not been good for business. I have learnt a lot from that past experience and I am now a better business woman.

Here are some lessons I learnt;
Dealing with friends and relatives.
If your friend has a business that you have not supported yet, then stop saying that is your friend.

The first people to support your venture are the ones closest to you. They can also be the reason your business is not doing well. They ask for extra discounts or fail to pay debts in good time in the name of knowing you. Learn to separate business from friendship. They may hate you for a while but they will come around.

Do research.
Research on the kind of business you want to start or are already engaged in, from market structures, costing, funding options to competitors. This helps you to know exactly what you are getting yourself into and where you are headed. Information is power, and with internet you can get all information you need.

Attend social, corporate and religious events where your customers, financiers and supplies are. Interact with fellow business people and get to share and uplift yourselves.
Mentorship is also very key in every step you make.

Grow up.
The older generation keeps saying that millennials are jokers and the only thing we know is taking selfies to post on social media. If your business deals with people who are older or younger than you; clients or suppliers, then you must mature up. Be in a position to deal with everyone and make them trust you and your business.

Young people, don’t be afraid. Be focused. Be determined. Be hopeful. Be empowered. Empower yourselves with a good education…Then get out there and use that education to build a country worthy of your boundless promise.
~ Michelle Obama

Keep an open mind.
With business comes opportunities and threats. Be up to date with the environment that your business is in and be ready to adapt to change. Many unexpected occurrences happen but the business has to go on. Make mistakes and learn from them. Fail and rise up…resilience. Create an impact in people’s lives. Be positive. Grow.

Thank you for passing by today.
Remember to share and subscribe.

Everything Fashion, Beauty & Home ware.
Follow @ceraaccessories on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

If you are somebody that is passionate about the NEW AFRICA, then wear AFRICAN-MADE fashion.
~ Ann Mc Creath.