Hello good people.

I hope you have been great. It has been a while since I posted and I missed this space a lot. I woke up today with the urge to post. And because I did not have an article I decided to do my first stock taking.

Reading- Zahir by Paulo Coelho. This is my 10th book by Paulo and I hope to finish his whole collection. I picked up the book yester night after finishing; We Are Going to Need More Wine by Gabrielle Union. It is an amazing autobiography touching on her struggles as a Black American woman, career, marriage and divorce, infertility, parenthood, friendship, colourism, rape and more. It is a must read.

Proud- of myself for hitting my 2017 reading target, a month and half before year end. At the beginning of the year, as RENS book club members we came up with individual’s reading target and we have been motivating each other. I am grateful to these humans. My target was to read a book every two weeks.

Listening- to country music. I love; Dolly Parton, Kenny Rogers, Don Williams and John Denver.

Watching- nothing. My movies and series suppliers are nowhere to be found. I used to dislike people who hate on local Tv channels but I am joining that club very soon. Our channels are now full of ads after every five minutes and mediocre and nasty political debates. Though, I love Inooro tv (not because of Ken Wakuraya) but they are also getting into my nerves.

Giving up- on my dream to graduate from The University of Nairobi. You all know that our ‘world class university’ was closed down indefinitely last month at 9am on Twitter…who does that?
Just when we thought we are going back to school, the lecturers went on strike and they are not going back to class anytime soon, until their demands are met. From where we stand, I think it will take us 6/7 years to finish a 4-year course.

Hating – the confusing weather. It rains heavily in the morning, gets hot and sunny during the day and very cold in the evening.

Learning- how to cook chapati. Do not judge. I have been struggling with them for long and this time round I am very determined. They are my favourite meal.
 I am still in the first stages of rolling and oiling the dough. I can now make not so perfect oval shapes. Hahha this is an improvement from octagon shapes and others yet to be discovered. My dad even promised to teach me one of these days.

Looking- for a photoshoot location. Preferably a hotel or club setting. Assist a sister here.

Transforming- my wardrobe bit by bit for my 2018 new look. I am adding more skirts and dresses, replacing blazers with cardigans and leggings with jeans, adding more sneakers to my shoe collection, trying out colours I dislike like green and yellow and wearing my heels more. I will be sharing that with you soon.

Applying- Shea Butter on my hair, face and body. I am loving the moisturising effect.

Wondering- which hair style to have on. I love braids but they destroy my hairline every time. Any ideas?

Marvelling- at the Live Twitter Chat I am moderating every Monday at 6pm. Join us coming Monday, @WaceraKieha.

Spending- more time with myself. I am an extrovert but I do enjoy my me-time. Now that, I stopped going to church, I am enjoying my own company on Sunday mornings.

Thinking- about Christmas.

Striving- at making Cera Accessories everyone’s destination for everything fashion, beauty and home ware made in Africa.

Yearning- for my yoga practise. It has been three Saturdays since I attended my yoga class.

Grateful- for everything and everyone in my life.

Thank you for passing by.
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