Meet Alfred, the Multi-talented Creative

 How would you describe yourself? I would describe myself as a visual creative who explores digital concepts and old-school mediums to communicate.

You are a multi-talented creative, what exactly do you do?
I do graphic design, which entails a lot of digital work from designing documents such as reports to branding a company’s logos, website layouts, banners and stationery just to mention a few. I also do calligraphy and hand lettering. Creation of beautiful type, both manually using a pen and a pencil as well as digitally. Photography is also another field of creativity that I engage in. I like conceptual photography that involves a lot of photo manipulation here and there. That's more my style though and I also do portraits and a bit of product photography. Currently, I am also trying my hand at videography. Self-teaching myself as I work on projects as well as client work.

Growing up, did you ever think you would be where you are today?  Not really. I just knew I would be doing artsy stuff. I started drawing from an early stage and interest grew over the years. While I was in primary school, I came across a photo studio and saw a man”s head in a jar and this intrigued me. This made me want to do manipulations in photoshop.
You have been in the creative space for more than 10 years, how different is the industry now as compared to when you began? Yes, I have been here for more than 10years and the difference, in a nutshell, is the advancement of technology.

What pushes you to explore more forms of art and improve on your art? The inspiration comes from what my fellow creatives are doing locally as well as internationally.  I would also like to gain as much knowledge and experience that I can share with the next generation of creatives

What did you study in school and how has it shaped your creative work? I studied art and design in primary and high school. It developed my drawing skills and this comes very much in handy when doing projects from initial sketches of mood boards and the likes.

Which are some of your favourite projects you have worked on? Nairobi Apocalypse photo manipulation is one of my best projects which was never completed but I intend to redo it bigger and better.

What do you aim to achieve with your art? Teach and share the knowledge and become a mentor to the next generation of creatives.

What is the best and worst part about what you do? The best part is the feeling of accomplishment when your art piece speaks for itself and the intended message is put across. The worst part is when you have a creative block and ideas are not working.

We are in uncertain and cruel times, how do you stay creative and get your work done in difficult times? I meditate with a pencil and paper by putting down my thoughts visually.

Food is the way to your soul and you recently started to expand your cooking and baking skills Yes. Nothing beats a great meal that is well prepared. Food should always look and taste yummy.
I  like trying my hands at recipes and it is also a form of therapy. Meal prep is satisfying when the ingredients are well cut and chopped and the overall outcome is presentable. I love to eat good food.

You are also into sports I am a sports bike enthusiast who at some point used to ride. Currently, I play soccer when time allows.
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